therapist & coach
creating generational change by integrating nervous system regulation with positive psychology to support, educate and empower people to believe that everyone has the power to heal, so that they can live their best life filled with strength, joy and happiness.
strength joy happiness

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it's time to go from
post-traumatic stress, to
post-traumatic growth
post-traumatic growth
Whoever you are, whatever walk of life you're from, and whatever you have experienced, there is always hope and light.
For everyone. There is always potential for progress. A chance to heal the unseen wounds that make you feel trapped in an invisible cage, and discover deeper connection, joy, and happiness on a deep nervous system level. Together we will find your way to heal.
I know, because I have been there...
I've been there
I am still living my journey. So I truly understand how you feel right now, reading this. I have experienced financial, psychological, and emotional abuse, gaslighting, manipulation, emotional withdrawal, deep attachment wounds, and decades of stored childhood trauma coupled with dissociation, people-pleasing and codependency.
And now I'm here, living proof that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and when you embrace hope we all have the power to feel safe simply for being who we are, and you can break the cycle of trauma and reshape the future for generations to come.
Know that I believe you. I hear you. I see you. And I'm here to help you find your own power to self-heal, once and for all.
everyone deserves to experience deep healing & renewed purpose.
deep healing

But time alone is not enough to rid the stress and trauma from your body.
To rediscover the quality of life we all desire, and find a way to move forward when you may be suffering from complex PTSD, anxiety, depression, extremely low self worth and more, we have to go within and heal the unseen wounds that the narcissist in your life is shining a spotlight on.
To this day, I have not met anyone who has been the victimised by a narcissist that did not have symptoms of complex PTSD. But now it is time to leave behind that felt sense of danger and threat whilst living with constant emotional and physical pain.
it is time to take action. to do things differently.
to be the change, so you can experience the change.
experience the change
how to step

true self
true self
how to step into your
true self
true self
As a qualified Trauma Therapist & Coach, I specialise in helping women suffering from all forms of trauma.
From narcissistic and domestic abuse, childhood abuse, sexual assault and more, it's my mission to help women uproot their deeply stored trauma heal their unseen wounds, and transform into the highest elevations of themselves.
Through deep somatic trauma healing, you will:
- Unlock, understand and heal the unseen wounds you've been carrying for so long in the body.
- Strengthen your recovery and receive deep validation for your experiences through mind, brain, and body techniques. Alongside a deeper understanding of yourself and others through neuroscience, polyvagal theory, nervous system regulation, positive psychology, and more.
- Discover ways to lead your life unapologetically, fearlessly, and with self-love.
are you ready to feel like you're living again?
living again?

Every day is a new day to live. A new chance to experience moments of joy. To forget the shoulds or the maybes and to live in the moment.
Because no matter how big, or small those moments of joy may be, they have the power to transcend the people living them. They set the tone for a new way of living, where we prioritise emotional and physical health, which has such a massive impact on everything from friends and family to connections, relationships and health.
I've been there, I've done it, and now I want you to experience it too.
Meet Caroline

power to heal
we all have the power to heal and save ourselves but we have to break the cycle first.
Healing is not a destination, it is a lifelong journey and I want you to come on that journey with me. We heal together.
Throughout my life, my past traumas have been the alarm clock that has activated me to chase hope, and fight for progress and break the generational cycle of trauma. From seeing my Mum, in pain, constantly living in a trauma response, to me being a people pleaser moving from one narcissistic relationship to another. I know first-hand the impact that trauma can have on your physical and mental well being.
I've been there. I've disconnected. Numbed myself to life. I've had the darkest of days, feeling judged, alone and isolated. It can spiral, fast. But it can be easy to put a face on it too. To seem 'fine.' To mask it. Hide it. To put on a show for the world. You name it, I've done it.
It's when I hit rock bottom that I broke that cycle. It was the year I turned 40. I'd lost my mother, my husband had left and I had not realised I had been in a covert narcissistically abusive marriage, and the house was repossessed. I suffered from complex PTSD, depression, anxiety, panic attacks and self harm with debt of over 70K. I thought the best years of my life were gone.
I knew no-one was going to come and rescue me. I knew the future was on me. I had to save myself. To be there for my children. I had to heal myself, to change their future.
Initially I struggled to heal as I only engaged in talking therapies but eventually I found my own way to heal, at a deep nervous system level. And now it's my mission to stop any woman feeling the way I did for as long as I did. I use my light to shine a pathway for others who now also feel that darkness in their life so they can awaken their potential to live a life of joy, love and connection. I stepped into Post Traumatic Growth and you can as well.


Developed to help women thrive after the devastating effects of trauma through narcissistic abuse, this podcast provides support, education and awareness around self healing, gaslighting, complex PTSD, codependency and surviving narcissistic abuse. It's a place where we understand the anger, toxicity and guilt you feel through the behaviours of a narcissist to help you go from trauma to transformation.
we all have the power to heal together we will find your way
find your way
While a lot of what you're going through can feel out of your control, or as though it's happening to you for no good reason, I need you to understand that there is a catalyst for lasting change that's within your control.
Through deep trauma healing integrated with brain, mind, and body based therapy and coaching, you are capable of changing the way you think and feel about the abuse that has happened to you, not because of you, and finally unlock the stored trauma that your body has been holding on to.
Your past is not your life sentence. No matter what's happened you can find joy and happiness in the now and the future. Let's discover your hope and light, together.