Updating Profile


If this is your first time visiting our login page and you haven’t set a password yet, all you need to do is click on the option to reset your password. This will use your billing email address—the one you signed up with and have received all your welcome emails to.

We do not send out passwords, and we cannot reset your password when you first sign up. You’ll need to reset it yourself.

As I already have an account, I’m going to log in. Once logged in, you’ll see the programmes you have access to.

There are certain details that you cannot change. Please do not attempt to change your email address, as this will affect your access to future programmes and updates. If you do need to update your email address, you’ll need to contact us at support@carolinestrawson.com.

You can update other details such as your Twitter username, Facebook profile, and any additional profiles you wish to include. You can also add a bio and change your profile picture. Additionally, you can reset your password here.

Once you’ve made any changes, be sure to save them by clicking the update button at the bottom of the page. However, please remember not to update your email address in this section.
To return to your profile, simply click on the top left corner to go back.